So Warikoo has been working on this idea of a photography competition, along with a couple of other good fellas from the ISB Alumni body. I think it’s a great initiative from this ever-enterprising, over-enthusiastic, always-ready-to-provide-a-shoulder-to-ladies buddy of mine. And it will give every1 something to look fwd to at Solstice – apart from the booze, of course.
But he is not the theme of the post – sorry Pappu, some other time. I was browsing around as usual and was reading the FastCompany blogs. There’s a Bathroom Blogfest going on there right now. It has a bunch of ladies writing about their experiences, ideas, suggestions and incidents – all dealing with the ladies room! And boy, can that topic spawn creativity!
So, I am thinking – why not have an ISB Blogfest!!! Majority of ISBians write blogs – and the number is only increasing with every batch. Check out the ISBleague if you don’t believe me. So how about that blogfest?
As I Pause here and think about it for 2 mins, a zillion ideas pop right out…
- We could start with “unique things about life@ISB”. Being a different planet that the campus is, this should be an easy one.
- Onto something more interesting – Bathroom habits of my roomie that really piss me off! There’s bound to be some, since there’s 1 bathroom for every pair of roomies.
- One could also create a tongue-in-cheek forum to pass messages to the administration – how to make Shahrukh more accountable? What does Sridevi really do?
- One could always have a jargon fest – but with a twist – include only those incidents where the jargon backfired royally. Or application of abstract mgmt theories to everyday life.
- There could be some productive usage too – takeaways from each term – academic only! Boy, would this be useful for placements or what!
And if it works out well within ISB, who’s to stop you from taking it beyond ISB? Clubs can organize a competition in the form of a blogfest. Announce it, publicize it and release the topic with a 2-hr window to accept entries.
Imagine what a colorful window it will offer to the world about life at ISB…