A good loud swear is like a roaring ringing sneeze - leaves a wake of distressed neighbours, but relieves you like nothing else can, at that precise moment. Everytime I let one out, I feel lighter. I feel happier for having dumped my load of unhappiness instead of lugging it around.
I see that my assertions are hardly convincing. So here are some situations for you. Tell me what words come to your mouth before anything else in response...
- Your Wintel machine hangs on you just when you are wrapping up a long email. Of course MS didn't save the draft for you
- Put on your best party dress, step out in the breezy, minty, fresh from rain night and SPLAT! A car just passed by and one of it's wheels happened to slice through the nearby puddle
- You have sliced or hooked your last 5 shots at the driving range. A hottie in the shortest of shorts walks up 2 mats from you. You barely have the time to admire her legs and whack - she drives a perfect 160 yards
So next time you feel like it, just let it rip...
Must add a disclaimer here though - don't swear loudly in Hindi! Some languages lend themselves naturally to swearing - Hindi is NOT one of them. A crass word in Hindi is just that - crass. You won't get any emotional support or understanding if you let out a loud BC, MC or other such dignified phrases. Having said that, I must also add that I find it really funny to observe the hypocrisy that most modern Indian women seem to display these days - it's fine to say fuck, asshole, bitch, whatever in English, but don't you dare utter a gaali in Hindi. It's just not acceptable!
But then I have seen exceptions to this too. In b-school you will see gals swearing in Hindi with as much venom or emotion as a guy can muster in the same situation. Rumour has it that girls outdo the guys by a fair margin and flair in this dept at the annual competition between XLRI and IIM-C. Now there's a reason to clear CAT or XAT!
And if you thought swearing is just about hate or anger, listen to this anthem...
And how can one forget Osho's take on the versatility of the word "FUCK"