Saturday, August 05, 2006

Disruptive Innovations and Technologies

We keep talking about disruptive technologies all the time, especially in Competitive Strategy cases. Well, here's a list of what I feel have been the most disruptive innovations and technologies through the ages...

Fire - no doubt on this one. Anyone got a burning objection?
Wheel - it definitely turned the world faster, literally.
Agriculture - we would not be reading about historical civilizations, but for this innovation.
Gun-powder - Forever changed the way conflicts could be solved!
Printing Press - hastened the exchange of social and scientific ideas across Europe, the Arab world and Asia. The renaissance almost never happened without this one!
Electricity - one word for the effects - Shocking!
Aviation - flights of fancy have never been the same since the Wright brothers took their maiden flight!
The Bomb - perhaps, here's a rare one we could have done without.
Bonsai - I know, I know. But think about it, how much has the world benefited from the Jap's fascination for minimizing things to the smallest possible, and then squeeze it some more.
The microprocessor - this one's encroaching more and more personal space. It all started with the PC, then it permeated the ovens and washing machines, then cars, and now cellphones.
TCP/IP and WWW - gave communication a completely new meaning. Changed social, economic and political behaviour of the entire world.
Nanotechnology - not just more miniaturization, but a completely new range of applications.
Genetics - Watson and Crick never knew what they were about to unleash.

So where do you think the next disruptive wave is coming from???


educatedunemployed said...

I so agree with the Genetics part.For me it really genetic therapy for disease, people just wont die *shudder*.

Pratik said...

Now that would be truly destructive. Even within the normal birth cycle man has wreaked havoc with everything natural. If people won't die... I can't even begin to imagine the repurcusions!

Unknown said...

For me, what's interesting is the definition of disruptive-although we assume it changes things significantly (to put it mildly), i think disruptive innovation only succeeds when reinforcing a human instinct more fundamental. We talk about the web, and the cellphone - for me, its primary driving force is that it allows humans to connect with more people - and that's fundamental to me. Everything else is derivative.

Pratik said...

Agree... the most creatively destructive force in the world has to be the human mind! What you derive out of it, is based on unique perspectives and their subsequent interactions.

ela1ne1 said...

Good word play patankar:)

Pratik said...

Thanks Elaine. Coming from the esteemed gossip columnist of ISB, that's a really BIG compliment!!! :)

Anonymous said...

ultimately....the King and the Pawn goes into the same matter how much technology and innovations will turn to simple living one fine day...carefree, and at peace...