Thursday, August 10, 2006

What's your type???

Types of bloggers:

The second-handers - these guys desperately need rehab. Can't survive a single day without checking out their own blog at least 10 times a day... for the comments, what else? Their primary motivation for blogging is the comments they inadvertently seek from others.

The pseudo-realists - they create an alternate world through their blog and the community built around it. It's their escape from reality.

The technocrati - they blog with a specific purpose. Every word on their blog is measured and is placed strategically to derive the maximum literary mileage out of it.

The rainmakers - they make rain from their readers' tears! Emotional posts is their specialty and they have a special circle of female admirers.

The I-want-in types - these guys blog just coz every1 else is!

The muddle-heads - their posts are all over the place. No agenda, no structure, no trends in their posts. These are the random walkers who churn out ocassional jewels.

The wannabe critics - they pick up news items from anywhere and try to spin their own yarn around it. Their posts are mostly unoriginal secondary reports like secondary market research.

The artists - the genuine entertainers who make the time spent on their blogs worth the money! These are the quick-wits from your college gang, who can make a joke every other sentence.

I guess the above classification makes me a definite muddle-head! What's your type???

If I missed your type... the shout-box is yours...


Anonymous said...

Is there a category for confused types? I doubt if i am a muddlehead because i usually keep the jewels to myself :-)

educatedunemployed said...

Hahahah..Giks stole my thoughts..Yeah I wouldn't know about the jewels, but I think I would make a muddlehead.And may be even a second hander, not so much for the comments but for my stat counter.I get a huge thrill seeing the count on my stat counter going up.Tsk Tsk..and I am mostly responsible.:D

ankur said...

Aspiration: The Artists
Reality: Muddle-heads
Crappy feeling within: Might be second-hander!


Pratik said...

Giks... you don't decide what the jewels are, your readers do... so yes, you are a muddlehead too. No confused types in my list :)

EU... ain't it funny how we start blogging for some reason and very soon wind up writing for those comments and stats? Are we all suckers for that vote of empathy/ confidence/ recognition from our readers?

Ankur... very well said! Like a consultant! :)

educatedunemployed said...

I will disagree on that front.People who end up writing for the popularity factor,essentially quit blogging.I have seen several good and extremely popoular blogs shut shop.If the essence is lost, there wouldn't be much to appreciate I think.True a comment or rising stat counter 'feels nice'.It is inherent to want to feel appreciated,but that doesn't generally dictate blogging.At least not for the ones that do survive.Or so I feel.

ankur said...


i wonder how shahrukh khan will repeat EU's words...with his dose of glycerin. the movie can still be called "KANK"!!!

Giks said...

P & EU - though i tend to agree with you on most part of the argument, i c a small caveat here which emerges from the fundamental question of incentives. There are people who start bloggin with good intentions but soon shift focus to making money/getting recognition for it. I cant comment on whether this would be sustainable thing to do.

~A: According to Big B, the movie is supposed to be pronounced as "Kenk" and not "Kank" (becoz the latter seems to be in proximity to "Skunk":-) )

Pratik said...

I think the best way is to keep it random. That way you keep reinventing the blog and it doesn't put too much pressure on you to be faithful to your original intention of starting the blog in the first place. Moreover, most of us do think of so many things during the course of each day... I think its only fair to follow that pattern on the blog too.

Unknown said...

Dadd-eee! got your finger on the pulse of the market, as ever! Good call on the topic - high on "materiality' quotient!

I can almost think of one for every type...except the artists...!

but i think you missed on one more type "topical" ones - i stumbled on one dedicated to wardrobe malfunctions :-) (don't ask what i was searching for:-)

Pratik said...

What you are referring to as "topical", I called them the "technocrati" - the dedicated ones who stick to their original aim of blogging in terms of topic.
And the "artists" - well these are the rare breeds! I would think Ford Prefect comes close... but then an artist for me may not be in the same league for others!

Anonymous said...

what's ur type dude?? why do you write?

Pratik said...

anon - read the second last sentence of the post again... muddle-head for sure!

Life Lover said...

How about the 'everything under the sun' types---who write about everything from diamonds to demand-supply theory. Jack of all trades blah blah blah...If there is such a category, I am definitely one of them :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting analysis...:)

A pressing question...Where do I belong in this category? I know for sure which category I am not..I do not belong to "The I-want-in types", "The artists" definitely :) ...But I can relate myself to all other categories...I have been through each of them in stages...I think one evolves over a period of time...!


Pratik said...

Rujul, that's close to a muddle-head... but yeah, that's the one that most of us belong to.

Bharani, dost, I will have to change my classifications... you belong to the special breed of "Evolutionaries"!

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