Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mind the gap...

It is vital to mind the gap...

The gap between,

what you thought you would achieve and how you would change the world..
and what you achieved when you took the first backward glance at 30!


Anonymous said...

hmmmm...seems your analysis has produced some thought provoking results :)

educatedunemployed said...

Trying to scare the willies out of the almost 30's are we?..

Can you get any more real?

don'thaveaclue said...

dude...lets move to the for one of those county teams and work as IT consultants part-time... :)

Pratik said...

Anon - if only those thoughts would provoke some action too :)

EU - I hope it scares me into action at least! And there's nothing better than a dose of reality...

DHC - who are you kidding? We don't belong to that breed. We will either do it full-time or not at all!

don'thaveaclue said...

my ulterior motive was to go there and then decide to play fulltime anyway :)

Pratik said...

haha... I like the way you are thingking ;)